Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Two days until I leave for New York. I’m not thrilled about the reason why I am going or that most of my time will be taken up with parties but I am looking forward to leaving, especially during the Final Four weekend, and let’s face it; I’d be crazy to complain about having to go to New York. I should get a little bit of time on Saturday and all day Monday to do non-bridal things. I think I’m going to spend my time on Saturday in Chinatown. I’ve walked through it briefly on one occasion but never had the chance to spend any length of time there. It’s supposed to rain all weekend but I will brave the weather decked out in my REI raingear. If I have to be cheery and perky, two adjectives anyone who knows me at all would probably never use to describe me, all weekend I deserve some me time. It’s difficult for me to feign excitement over that kind of stuff. What can I say? I’m not one for faking it.